Advantages and disadvantages of the self-service car wash

A self-service car wash box offers car owners the opportunity to tailor the car wash to the level of dirt on the vehicle. Our tips for optimal car cleaning!

If you prefer to clean your car yourself and are reluctant to leave it in the hands of others, you can use so-called self-service car wash boxes for car washing. Here, every vehicle owner can tailor the type of car cleaning exactly to their own ideas, as a rule there are a wide variety of programs and cleaning agents available. The procedure is very simple: car owners select the variant they want, throw the previously purchased tokens into the machine and then start cleaning. It is certainly an important advantage that even very sensitive vehicles can be cleaned here as gently as necessary.

For example, vintage car owners can also drive their car into a self-service facility, while using a car wash needs to be carefully considered here. In addition, there are of course advantages over doing the laundry on your own property. Above all, that the washing substances cannot seep unfiltered into the ground and damage the environment. They are collected at public washing stations and disposed of properly. And: other vehicles can also be cleaned in the self-service car wash box, such as motorbikes or mobile homes. In any case, vehicle owners should find out more about the maximum permitted vehicle height and width on site and whether hand washing is even permitted and desirable at the facility. More on the subject: Polishing a car


If you decide to wash your car in a self-service car wash box, you should follow a few basic rules. First and foremost, the instructions and safety rules that the operator has set out must be observed. These relate primarily to the correct use of cleaning tools in order to prevent injuries to the car owner and damage to the vehicle.

for example, a high-pressure cleaner is used, it should always be at a certain distance from the car and, of course, not pointed in the direction of people. It is also advisable to always have enough change with you – 50 cents, 1 euro and 2 euro coins. Of course, cleaning aids such as leather, microfibre and fabric cloths should also be brought along. Depending on the season, vehicle owners should also have insect removers or de-icers with them for car cleaning in the self-service car wash . A corresponding notice at the facility usually provides information about other important details, such as the order of the individual program items


When washing the car by hand in the self-service car wash, drivers should first take into account the exposure time of the pre-wash.If this remains on the roof for too long, incompatibilities such as “cloud formation” can occur, which then have to be painstakingly polished out. Rubber seals, convertible tops and aluminum parts are also attacked if the exposure time is too long.

This is particularly common in summer, when long queues form in front of the car wash on hot days. To prevent cleaning agents from burning into the hot paintwork, the car should also be cooled down before washing on very hot days . for example by parking in the shade beforehand or by cooling it with clear water in the self-service car wash.In general, every cleaning process has four parameters: chemicals, temperature, exposure time and tools. If the sheet metal is too hot when cleaning, chemicals can damage the paint. In addition, the correct dosage of the car shampoo should be observed: Here, too, a high dosage can attack rubber and plastics.It is also important to rinse your clothes after washing so that there are no streaks caused by shampoo residue.More on the topic:  Cleaning seat belts properly

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