- To promote yourself and your blog to a wide audience by publishing your content on social networks and via email channels.more read(write for us)
- Improve your writing skills by gaining professional experience that you can mention in your CV.
- Earn extra money by writing and allowing us to use your photographs and videos.

What topics should I write about?
- Explore to get inspired by what we’re posting now and think of ways to take content to the next level.
- We accept original articles with original high resolution photographs and videos. Pair your writing with engaging photos/videos to increase engagement. We favor well-researched and intelligently written articles that provoke, inform and entertain.
- Before you start writing a new article, we ask that you send our editorial team a proposed title and a short description for approval. Presenting us with a summary of the article with its broad outlines will allow us to give you better feedback.
How should I write the articles?
- Do not send press releases or sales pitches.
- Avoid generic content. Be creative! Your article should have a tone, be bold, interesting, and human.
- Articles should be at least 800 words and be concisely written
- Embed your photos and videos in high resolution to better share your story.
- Readers prefer structured stories. Use bullet points, short paragraphs and subheadings.
- Add links to useful resources when it makes sense.
- Use a shock formula. Every reader should take away useful lessons or advice.
- End with a brief summary (for longer articles).
How much will I be paid?
We offer flat-rate compensation per word and photograph/video. All authors start at a moderate rate, and those who consistently produce high-quality content will be rewarded with significant increases in their compensation.