What is boku no pico? Is this anime really good?

what Boku no Pico is. To put it bluntly… child pornography. You can rhyme and paraphrase it however you want, but Boku no Pico remains and is child pornography. In the three OVAs, all you can really see is some old guy… fucking a little boy. Yes, I wrote the nasty F-word, burn me at the stake where the other witches are already hanging. In the other parts there are one or two more children. Anyway, I don’t understand this series even though I’ve seen all three. Now we come to the reason of this post.

There are obviously kids and teenagers on YouTube and in general who find Boku no Pico totally funny. Boar, that’s funny, really. These are often wacky kiddies who think it’s totally gross and don’t seem to understand what it’s all about and this is dull hentai… with a little boy. The producers even gave a serious answer about the idea of ​​this hentai at one point, but that’s completely beside the point .

how stupid can today’s youth be to celebrate this anime? I mean well if I was drunk I’d probably watch a lot of nonsense too, but… this? In earnest!? Please give me one, but only one reasonable reason why you should watch this anime as a clear thinking person? Sure, to have a laugh, but not one I found even one of these animes really funny. Also sells me as humorless, but I don’t care… HOW dumb can a person actually be!?

There are even people who recommend this anime to each other and sell it as a masterpiece because bread, but not even jokingly – please just give me one reason really! This fact strikes me as completely incomprehensible. I only watched this anime because I was bored with friends at the time, but it really doesn’t mean a good thing if I fall asleep on the last episode. Honestly, I can even understand any ecchi fan watching some cheaply made show, but this?

Do people really go for that? I mean even hentai fans who really watch hentai can’t support something like that. At first I thought the whole thing was a joke and I laughed along when someone said something like: “That’s almost as good as Boku no Pico!”. But at some point even this joke is no longer funny, if it turns out that the person who said it really meant it. Shima even keeps asking if he can watch it with me. Seriously, no.

I mean, I can even understand if he wants to understand that, but… NO, please! This anime is so stupid and boring that I would get even more bored the second time I watch it than the first time. As a troll, this anime was really good, even in other anime it is even alluded to sometimes. But if people really come along who mean it…I like to bury myself, seriously.

This anime is so stupid and boring that I would get even more bored the second time I watch it than the first time. As a troll, this anime was really good, even in other anime it is even alluded to sometimes. But if people really come along who mean it…I like to bury myself, seriously. This anime is so stupid and boring that I would get even more bored the second time I watch it than the first time. As a troll, this anime was really good, even in other anime it is even alluded to sometimes. But if people really come along who mean it…I like to bury myself, seriously.

Really, anyone who’s sitting in front of their computer right now thinking, “I’m going to look at this now, I don’t care what you say!” Please don’t! Anyone with a working brain should watch an anime that has a decent story or something entertaining, but not Boku no Pico, please. Even trolling others with it is just gross. To what extent the production of this anime was meant seriously, I would also like to put aside. If you have to study for school, do it! It’s definitely more productive than nonsense like that.

Just by watching such anime, one reinforces the prejudices that the outside world has towards people who watch anime. I would be more than ashamed when I watch such nonsense at home and then suddenly my little brother or my mother appears behind me. I would sink to the ground, ashamed. If you look at something like that, even as a joke, you quickly arouse the feeling in the other person that he or she is a pedo. I’m not even going to discuss how horrible pedos are or anything – you immediately portray yourself and other people who watch anime as a pedo bear. I can’t even imagine how a real lolicon could have fun with something like that . Well, I don’t understand pedos either, but hey – why not watch something else instead?

how horrible pedos are or whatever – you immediately portray yourself and other people watching anime as a pedo bear. I can’t even imagine how a real lolicon could have fun with something like that. Well, I don’t understand pedos either, but hey – why not watch something else instead? how horrible pedos are or whatever – you immediately portray yourself and other people watching anime as a pedo bear. I can’t even imagine how a real lolicon could have fun with something like that. Well, I don’t understand pedos either, but hey – why not watch something else instead?

This is exactly the same as with the yaoi fans and the ecchi/hentai fans. Because of them, it is also claimed that anime is just some dingy crap, porn or, to put it bluntly, (pardon me) gay shit. I don’t have anything against yaoi, ecchi and hentai (although I don’t like yaoi) but I do have a problem with people celebrating boku no pico. That’s exactly where I can see where today’s youth are going – deep down in the basement, yes! I mean, if that was just a little joke you crack every now and then, no thing. But there are actually people who took Boku no Pico seriously – and they are these weird kiddies. I’d rather watch sensible things with my little brother, after all he’s only eleven and shouldn’t watch shit like that. But okay, let’s push it back into the corner for a moment.

The actual background of this post is actually that you shouldn’t give yourself this OVA series for fun. There really are a hundred things you should do rather than watch this anime. Just think of the children, man. Incidentally, the producers portrayed Pico as an asexual creature that this old guy “actually” only imagines. It’s all in his imagination, but you have to know that before you watch this stuff. So dear children, keep your hands off it if you don’t want to get bored or get disturbed.

So if this post isn’t enough for you, I’m happy to give you a list of anime you can watch rather than Boku no Pico. But don’t challenge it, I’ll get at least 100 pieces and ALSO with a reason. However, if you bring me a good argument – ​​please, maybe you can convince me. That’s about it from my side, I hope you enjoyed this post

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