Henna tattoo – patterns, designs, tutorial and tips

If you are into body art, you have probably heard of the henna tattoo. Made using a natural substance, it is part of the traditions of several countries around the world. Unlike other techniques, it is not permanent, which means it will go away after a while. Currently, henna tattoo is all the rage, as are all types of tattoos!

Designmag reveals everything you need to know about the henna tattoo!

To begin with, we will briefly see what is henna and where the traditions of tattooing with this type of product come from. We will then talk about the options for wearing such a tattoo, its strengths and explain if there are any dangers that are associated with henna. We also offer you a tutorial and some tips for a DIY henna tattoo to do yourself!

What is henna tattoo and where does it come from?

As we said, the henna tattoo is a temporary design made with a natural product. It can be placed anywhere on a body and can be used for a lot of different designs.\

henna tattoo
henna tattoo

The word “henna” is of Arabic origin. It refers to a paste made up of crushed branches and henna leaves. Ancient people had already discovered that the substance made from henna leaves traces on the skin. These properties have thus been used for the manufacture of mixtures applied to the body.

Originally, body art and henna tattooing came from North Africa. The peoples of South Asia, who are also familiar with this plant, also wore tattoos made with it. Historically, the henna tattoo was often worn by women. In some parts of the world, it especially accompanies important moments in life, such as a wedding.

The different types of henna tattoo and their colors

Henna comes in 3 main colors, black, red (brown) and white. Let’s see, in a few words, what to remember for each of these types of henna.

Black henna, intended for use on the body, is made synthetically. There is natural henna in this color, but it is not just for tattoos. Instead, it is applied to the hair as an organic shade but it does not hold well on the skin. This aspect of black henna is important to consider if you are thinking of trying a DIY tattoo at home. Know that the natural black product is not the best placed for your experience in body art!

Red or brown henna is natural. It is made using the leaves of the Lawsonia plant. This type of henna can decorate your skin in rich shades of brown. You can use it without any problem on your body.

Finally, the white henna is done, at the base, with paint. It is popular for body decoration in wedding. It is also suitable for body art for the summer and that made for parties and festivals, such as Coachella.

Why afford a henna tattoo?

After this some general information, let’s talk about why wearing a henna tattoo is a good idea. In fact, this type of tattoo

  • Is completely painless. In comparison with the classic tattoo, you will not feel anything when making the design;

lis quite versatile. There are many designs and styles available, from the more traditional to modern small tattoos . Due to its temporary nature, it is easy to use at parties.

  • Does not require an appointment or professional knowledge. Anyone can do this at home, on their own, or with the help of a friend. If the chosen design is not super complicated, of course!
  • Poses no risk of infection. Henna does not penetrate the skin with a needle, as it does with conventional tattoos.

A henna tattoo to do yourself or by a pro?

Are you seduced by the idea of ​​getting a henna tattoos? So you may be wondering if it is better to go to a specialist. The answer to this question is that it is not mandatory at all. You can very well try to save money and have your henna tattoo done at home. And this, even if you have no experience in creating body art!

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