Wondering what kinds of infant foods that your baby will find enjoyable? Then look no further! This article will go over several baby foods that your infant will find enjoyable to keep you from trying to guess at which kinds your baby will like the best. To be the most honest, you should know that whatever meals that you do not have a good attitude toward will be the same meals that your baby will not enjoy eating. Your baby picks up the vibes you feel about eating, so be sure to look at each baby choice as if it is something really good for baby if you want your child to eat it.
Most babies love pureed fruits more than many other types of foods at first. The sweet taste will soon have your baby hooked and asking for more. As your baby gets older, you will notice that he can polish off up to two jars of baby food at a time, showing that his interest in eating is becoming better and better, and his tummy is getting bigger too. Be careful of feeding your baby too much pureed fruit as many of them may contain added sugars that can be bad for your baby’s teeth.
Most infants like plain cereal, either rice or oatmeal or other whole grain types of cereals, that can be mixed with juice, applesauce or formulas to make it a soupy consistency. These soups help baby to put on more weight if necessary, and are exciting for baby’s taste buds as they never know what to expect. You can also try to make a scrambled egg and mix it into applesauce, your infant will enjoy the texture of the egg and the taste will be different compared to other things you give your baby regularly.
Your infant will basically like any kinds of foods that you would like, so be sure to try different things in moderation. Be sure to create a window of time between the introduction of each food so that you can determine whether your baby is getting an allergy to that item or not. It will be easier to tell if your infant develops an allergy if you do not quickly introduce other items, or do not introduce other foods at one time. You should have a lot of fun trying new things with your baby and finding out what his or her favorites are.