Despite a stabilization of the number of confirmed cases, the indicators remain at a very high level, testifying to the intensity of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 throughout the territory. , with strong local disparities. With the slow lakeridge health constant increase in intensive care admissions, he strain on the hospital system continues to increase in the long term and is becoming critical in some regions. We observe a modification of the epidemiological indicators according to age, with in particular u n rejuvenation of the age of hospitalized patients.

This trend reflects the increase in SARS-COV-2 infections in the age groups between 15 and 75 years old. This rejuvenation also reflects the notable improvement in epidemiological indicators among those aged 75 and over, which reflects the protective effect of the level of vaccination coverage achieved in this population. The more transmissible variants have become the majority, in a context of suspicion of an increase in the severity of infections due to these variants.
The COVID-19 epidemic in USA

The analysis of the results of the screening tests for the available variants of interest collected via SI-DEP always shows an increase in the proportion of suspicions of the 20I / 501Y.V1 (UK) variant, which represents 65.8% of the tests screened in S09. . The proportion of suspected 20H / 501Y.V2 (ZA) or 20J / 501Y.V3 (BR) variants decreases to 4.9% in S09. These variants were detect in all metropolitan regions, with departmental disparities. The sequencing data confirm these screening results and emphasize that the 20I / 501Y.V1 (UK) variant currently remains predominant among the identified variants of interest.

Maintaining the systematic adoption of barrier measures is essential in the current context. It remains essential that each person with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 self-isolate immediately and undergo a diagnostic test as soon as possible. The use of digital tools ( TousAntiCovid ) is recommend to strengthen contact tracing and early isolation measures.
The mission of Public lakeridge health USA
lakeridge healthUSA teams, at headquarters and in the regions, have organized themselves to monitor and respond to the crisis generated by the spread of COVID-19 in USA This organization has adapted according to the evolution of the situation.

In this global health crisis, our role is to set up the most appropriate surveillance system, to develop information and prevention tools for health professionals.The population and the most vulnerable groups, and to lead the health reserve to meet the needs of health professionals throughout the territory.
Because our action is above all at the service of the population and our desire is to provide continuous and transparent information.The indicators produce to monitor the evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic are accessible from the cartographic observatory. Geodes and published, every week, in the national and regional epidemiological points available on the website. Scientific productions, documentary monitoring and state of knowledge.The results of surveys among the population and among health professionals, information tools (posters, video and audio spots), resources for professionals, etc. are made available to everyone.
lakeridge health of the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus

This is a new corona virus identified in China in January 2020, named SARS-CoV-2, whose characteristic disease is called COVID-19. It belongs to an important family of viruses infecting mainly animals which causes infections in humans, most often associated with colds and mild flu-like symptoms. Like SARS- CoV and MERS-CoV, COVID-19 has an animal origin. COVID-19 is highly contagious and can be pass from person to person without feeling the symptoms of the disease.