Autumn Joy Sedum Variety – Learn how to grow Autumn Joy plants

One of the most versatile and architecturally appealing sedum varieties is Autumn Joy. The Autumn Joy sedum variety is attractive at different times of the year, ranging from the sweet rosettes of new growth in late winter to early spring. The flowers are also persistent, often well into winter, and ensure a unique landscape. This plant is easy to propagate and divide. Growing Autumn Joy sedums will enrich the garden and provide you with many more of these amazing plants over time.

About Autumn Joy Sedum plants

Sedum Autumn Joy plants (Sedum x ‘Autumn Joy’) are not garden divas. They thrive in conditions that other plants might find rude. Once established, they are drought tolerant, but they also thrive in rainy regions. The key is well-drained soil and plenty of sun. If you create these conditions, not only will your plant flower and grow quickly, but it can be divided to bring out many more of these fussy beauties.

The Sedum cultivar Autumn Joy is a cross between S. spectabile and S. telephium and is hardy in zones 3 through 10 of the United States Department of Agriculture. For this reason you can also find the plant under different names –

The succulent leaves appear early as rosettes and climb up the stems, which soon develop. In summer, clusters of pink flowers adorn the tops of the stems. These are particularly attractive to bees and butterflies, but a hummingbird can occasionally enjoy them too.

When the flowers have faded the whole head becomes dry and brown but retains its shape and adds an interesting touch to the autumn garden. Plants reach 0.5 m (1 ½ ft) in height and 0.5 m (2 ft) in width.

How to grow autumn joy

These plants are available at most nurseries and large stores. Their popularity ensures constant replenishment. You can expand your stock of this fun plant by dividing it in early spring or by propagating from stem cuttings. It can also grow from fleshy stems that are harvested in the fall and placed horizontally in any soilless medium in a sunny spot indoors. In just about a month, each leaf node will develop tiny roots. These can be removed and planted out to form individual new plants.

The plants have few problems with pests or diseases, but can occasionally be eaten by deer. You can also try growing Autumn Joy Sedums indoors or in containers. Her long-lasting blooms will adorn any area with rust-pink blooms for up to 8 weeks.

Sedum Autumn Joy is often one of the few nectar-giving flowers in late summer, providing food for bees and other insects. You can eat the plant too! Young, tender stems and leaves can be eaten raw, but the older material should be avoided as it can cause mild stomach upset if not cooked.

These hardy plants belong to the sedum family. The sap in the thick leaves is useful for relieving inflammation or as a cooling ointment for burns and rashes. With its medicinal properties, long flowering period and low maintenance, Autumn Joy is a real delight and a plant to include in your perennial flower garden.

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