Dipladenia a very flowering climbing plant

Dipladenia is a climbing plant, a powerful vine with glossy foliage, growing rapidly when it benefits from good conditions. It is a plant native to South America, areas where it is hot all year round… And in our climates, in France, it is generally advisable to grow it in pots. Dipladenia is a frost-resistant plant, and to develop well it needs heat all year round. In the regions most favored by a mild climate, it will be possible to cultivate it in the open ground but exclusively in a very protected situation.

Botanical name:

• Mandevilla spp.

Plant type:

  • Cycle:  Perennial plant
  • Foliage:  Evergreen
  • Hardiness:  Non-hardy plant (frost-resistant)
  • Family: Apocynaceae – Apocynaceae
  • Habit:  Climbing plant
  • Exposure:  Sun
  • Sowing:  April under warm shelter
  • Planting:  April – May
  • Flowering:  June to October
  • Rooting:  root system
  • Cultivation zone:  in open ground 9b to 10 (see  hardiness map ) – in pots everywhere.
  • Origin:  South America – Argentina
  • Melliferous plant: no


  • Plant very easy to grow
  • Indoors, avoid exposure to the sun through a window. Dipladenia appreciates outdoor sun exposure, but could suffer behind glass.

What are the benefits of the garden?

• Superb and long flowering.

What exposure?

pink dipladenia in the garden
  • Sun in the ground, dipladenia resists well to drought.
  • Indoors: watch out for direct sunlight through a window.

What soil  for dipladenia  ?

  • Plant it in any type of  humus and drained soil.
  • In a pot, mix geranium soil and sand

When to sow seeds?

• Sowing in spring under hot shelter , 20°C, in April.

How to sow dipladenia seeds:

  • In a soil for geranium.
  • Place a few seeds per cup.
  • Cover with very little soil.
  • Water well and keep the soil moist until emergence.

When to plant it ?

• Plant it in the spring, once the soil has warmed up: In May or June .

How to plant dipladenia:

Planting in the ground?

  • Place the dipladenia.
  • • Backfill with the mixture Work the soil to a spade height without turning it over
  • Scrape the dipladenia root ball and immerse it in a bucket of water.
  • Amend the soil with potting soil for geraniums and do not hesitate to add sand for drainage.
  • Prepare the planting hole.
  • of garden soil and potting soil.
  • Water.

Planting in a pot?

  • In a large pot (40 cm)
  • Fill it with a mixture of special geranium soil and sand.
  • Place the dipladenia after having scraped the root ball.
  • Tamp down and water well.

Division / Multiplication of Dipladenia:

• Multiplication by sowing (see above) or cuttings in early summer

How to take dipladenia cuttings:

  • Select young shoots of 10 to 15 cm maximum.
  • They should have two pairs of leaves and a bud.
  • Cut the shoot just below the lower leaves and remove the 2 lower leaves.
  • In a pot filled with a well-packed peat, planting compost and sand (40%/40%/20%) mixture.
  • Position the shoots by pushing them down to the leaves.
  • Water and cover the cuttings with a plastic bottle, the neck of which you will have cut out beforehand. You can also use a freezer bag to close around the jar with an elastic band.
  • Place the cuttings in the light.
  • Uncover the cuttings after 3 weeks.

Maintenance :

  • Watering:  Dipladenia grows very well in the ground in drought conditions. In pots, on the other hand, care must be taken to keep the soil moist.
  • Remove faded flowers  to boost flowering.
  • • Fertilization:   especially for potted crops once a month.

Flowering of dipladenia:

  • Superb  summer flowering from June until October.


  • Dipladénia Sanderi “Rosea” : Beautiful pink flowers with a yellow heart.
  • Dipladenia  “Sundaville Red” : Beautiful vermilion red flowers.
  • Dipladénia “Alice du Pont” : Dense pink flowers with a yellow heart, or white flowers tinged with pale pink.

What to plant with dipladenia?

  • Other summer flowering plants, in pots to decorate terraces.
  • In the ground, why not mix several varieties of dipladenia?

Use of bluebell?

  • In the garden:  On a support, trellis, stake, fence…
  • Without a garden:  In a large pot to overwinter.

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